3 success tips for the entrepreneur in you banner

3 Success Tips For The Entrepreneur In You

With more and more young’uns looking to start their own business, the small-business trend is really taking off. The younger generation wants to start their own ventures, with research stating that a whopping 62% of Millenials wants to materialise their business ideas.

There is no set recipe for success, but for someone who has been running a massively successful business for over 4 years, I have an ounce of wisdom to share.

1. Do what you’re passionate about

A rather obvious one, follow your heart, not the herd. You can quote me on that. If you know what you want to do, then, by all means, go for it, Chances of you excelling and staying motivated are higher if you do something you’re passionate about

2. A concrete plan for raising capital


This is where real math comes in. Calculate how much capital you will need to raise, your running costs. ROI, and predictive cash flow statement of at least the first 3 years.

Having these calculations will not only prepare you but also give your potential investors an idea of how well-prepared you are.

3.Understand the concept of finite energy

People always talk about having only 24 hours in a day but no one talks about having finite energy. You will risk burn out if you do not grasp the concept of having limited energy. Know what and who is worth your energy.

Once you have your ideas and capital in place, hire someone who knows their work and have them design your logo and other branding material.

Contact us for a quote today!

Posted in Musings.

Lauren Atkinson

View posts by Lauren Atkinson

Brisbane based graphic designer aiming to help businesses find their unique visual identity. Specialising in logo design