How to Execute a Successful Brand Rollout

Follow our tips and make sure your rebranding launch is effective.

1. Prepare everything BEFORE you launch.
Have your new business cards, email signatures, website etc ready to go. Stop using old branded stuff immediately upon launch.

2. Determine WHO needs to be told.
Some stakeholders will need a personal approach. Consider the depth of your relationships. Partners, ambassadors, staff, sponsors and donors will all need to know before the general public.

3. Explain your WHY.
Get your stakeholders buy in by giving them the info they need to align with your new direction. It should be simple and easy to remember. Encourage your team to tell the story. Your WHY should be aligned with your value to your audience. “we are rebranding to show clearly we do X for Y” “we are re-branding to align our image with our primary business of X for Y”

4. Changing business NAME too?
It may pay to follow the example of Meta (Facebook) and reference your old name as “Name X, formerly known as Y” for a short time. An instant, comprehensive brand change is best but in some circumstances it pays to take your time to get the message out to everyone.

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Lauren Atkinson

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Brisbane based graphic designer aiming to help businesses find their unique visual identity. Specialising in logo design